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The Our Lady and All Saints Catholic Multi Academy Company (OLAAS) comprises of 12 Primary schools and one secondary school within the Solihull, Birmingham and Warwickshire areas. Within our family of schools, each provides a fully inclusive and comprehensive Catholic Education offering in a diverse society - we are 'Strong in Faith'. Read More

OLAAS Catholic

St Anthony's Primary

Key Information

At St. Anthony’s the school day begins at 8:45am and ends at 3:15pm (32.5.hours per week). Pupils may enter school via either the gate on Schofield Road or the gate on Fordbridge Road.


If you require a paper copy of any of the information on our website, our school office will happily provide this for you (free of charge). 

Inspection Information

OFSTED Inspections

Our latest Ofsted inspection was on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th June 2022 - please see attached the Report and a letter to parents about the outcome.

The previous inspection was in January 2019 (short inspection).  The link to the report is here.


RE Inspections

Our latest RE inspection was in March 2022.  The link to report is here

Here is a link to our RE Section 48 Monitoring Visit from February 2019 here.